How to Handle Rejected College Admission Applications


This time of year is incredibly stressful for anyone who has applied for college admissions. Receiving rejections can be painful, but going to a school that wasn't your top pick could end up being better for you in the long run. Here are some 2.jpgways to cope with college rejection letters:

  • Know that it's not personal: Rejection naturally feels personal, but when it comes to college applications it isn't personal. A committee reviewed your application, along with hundreds, if not thousands, of others and decided that you didn't meet their qualifications for one reason or another. They aren't singling you out or telling you-you aren't a worthy student. This is the most important thing to remember.
  • Let yourself feel sad: It's perfectly ok to feel sad about not getting into the school of your dreams. Pretending you're ok when you're not is never a good idea. Take some time to be sad but not so much that you become obsessed. 
  • Spend more time focusing on the school(s) that accepted your application. Find out about the campus life, organizations, and professors. The more you read about where you got accepted, the more excited you'll get about your new opportunities.

Applying to colleges takes a lot of hard work, and it's natural to feel defeated when that hard work is rewarded with rejection. Stay focused on the positives, though, like finding out everything you can about the school(s) that accepted your application. If you aren't happy with any of your choices, figure out what you can do to get into your top school next year. It might mean taking a year of courses at a local and/or community college to boost your grades, or it might mean waiting until graduate school to go to the school of your dreams.

For more ideas on how to handle rejected college admission applications, contact us today.

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