How Parents Can Help Kids Prep for the upcoming SAT or ACT 2020

Last Minute SAT Prep

student-with-parents1The SAT or ACT can be difficult tests to take. Thankfully, though, there are plenty of ways you, as a parent, can help your child prepare for the exam he or she chooses to take. Here are three ways to assist your student in the weeks leading up to the SAT or ACT test date.

Be Encouraging and Help Lower Stress

While you definitely want your child to perform well on standardized tests, you also want to be understanding of the pressure the SAT and ACT can put on students. Instead of admonishing your child to study more, put a positive spin on the process by helping him or her create a study schedule that allows for breaks and minimizes stress. It’s also important to note that both the SAT and ACT have changed since you were in high school. The study methods you found helpful may not work for your child.

Your student can use your support and guidance now. Be helpful, but not overbearing.

Help Them Locate Study Materials and Resources

Many study materials for the ACT or SAT are available right online and are easy to find. There are also many printed resources available in the form of prep books and practice tests. Not every resource will work for every student, so work with your child to find the resources that will play to his or her strengths. 

If your child is having a hard time preparing or isn't quite sure how to approach the subject material, you may also want to consider enrolling in SAT/ACT courses or working with a tutor. Method Test Prep has test prep solutions, designed with students in mind. If you're looking for a comprehensive, six week course, consider Method Test Prep's Advantage Courses. When there is only a week before test day, our online SAT Power Classes, (starting March 9th) are typically held the week of the exam and are the perfect last minute test prep. These focused classes will prepare your child with the content and strategies needed to score higher. 

Make Breakfast The Morning Of

A good night’s sleep before the ACT or SAT is a must, so make sure your child is in bed at a good time prior to the test and not attempting to cram last-minute. Just as important is a good meal before the exam. An empty stomach during the three hours it takes to complete the test can have detrimental effects on overall scores.

Treat your child to breakfast on the morning of the exam! Maybe make a favorite breakfast at home, or go to a local eatery that will provide a healthy meal before the test time. While you both eat, offer words of encouragement!

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