Attending the Naviance Summer Institute, 2011

navianceMethod Test Prep is honored to have been one of the major sponsors of this year's Naviance Summer Institute, held in Austin, Texas. Our partner for several years, Naviance is an organization with an honorable goal: to provide support tools that will help students of all socioeconomic and educational backgrounds prepare for, attend, and succeed in college.

Naviance's biggest impact is effected through organizational services offered to guidance counselors, school administrators, and students. Its resources---among them Method Test Prep's online SAT and ACT courses---help students prepare for standardized tests and manage their academic profiles, streamline guidance counselors' college application responsibilities, and present financial aid opportunities to families in need. All of these things are integrated within the focused purpose of facilitating student achievement and success. As a passionate advocate of success in education, Method Test Prep is privileged to share in Naviance's mission, and in turn, is duly proud of its sponsorship.

In speaking with educators and administrators from schools around the country---and in several cases, from around the world---I sensed a nearly tangible level of inspiration; everyone from guidance officers to district-wide coordinators was especially motivated to do what is necessary to improve the efficacy of educational resources available to students. Method Test Prep's mission of providing high quality, accessible, and affordable standardized test preparation and advisement services fits right in.

Lest anyone think the Naviance Summer Institute was an extended exchange of lofty and idealistic philosophies and strategies in education, it is necessary to convey what I think is the most important result of the conference: the exposure of the challenges educators face in trying to enact better policies, improve instruction, provide useful and efficient resources, and convey the importance and relevance of education to students worldwide. Brilliant systems and perfect plans lose momentum quickly in the absence of student enthusiasm; if those whom the hard work is intended to benefit aren't on board, no educational hurdle can be surmounted. Thus, getting students engaged, informed, and encouraged throughout their educational pursuits is integral to the success of the ideals laid out this year in Austin.

By striving to foster a collaborative working relationship among administrators, departments, teachers and students, Method Test Prep has provided and will continue to implement school-wide solutions for accessible and effective standardized test preparation. Through our work, we intend to do our part in helping Naviance turn educational dreams into realities. 

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