Getting Ready for This Weekend's SAT Test

The SAT test is this weekend! You've registered, you've studied, you've put in your time. What should you do these last few days to get ready for the big test?

1. Double check your registration. There's nothing worse than working hard, preparing for your test, and then showing up to find out you've come on the wrong day or forgotten to register altogether.

2. Check your calculator. Make sure your calculator is SAT-approved. If it is, ensure that it's in good working order and has fresh batteries. If your calculator isn't working during the test you'll just have to complete the test without it--and that's no good.

3. Find your photo ID. They won't let you in to take the SAT test without a current andsat test ID valid photo ID. What's acceptable to the College Board?
  • State-issued driver's license
  • State issued nondriver ID
  • Passport
  • Government-issued ID
  • School ID Form (prepared by your school)
  • Talent Identification Program ID/Authorization to Test Form (grades 7 and 8 only)
4. Print your admission ticket. Sign in to My SAT and print your admission ticket ahead of time. It wouldn't hurt to do this a few days ahead of time because if you wait until the very last second you know your printer will be out of toner.

5. Get your other supplies together. You'll need two sharpened No. 2 pencils and a soft eraser. If you're taking the SAT Subject Language Listening Tests, you'll also need a CD player. You can and should bring a watch without an audible alarm, a bag or backpack, extra batteries for your calculator, a drink, and snacks. And while you're packing up, here's what not to bring: scratch paper, books (including dictionaries), rulers, protractors, cell phones, iPods, highlighters and colored pencils, cameras, and virtually any other electronic device. 

6. Sleep plenty on Friday night. Don't stay out late! Have a relaxing evening at home and get to bed early.

7. Eat a nutritious, protein-filled breakfast. But don't eat so much that you'll be drowsy during the test. Fuel your brain; don't smother it with Cocoa Puffs and energy drinks.

Good luck this weekend & for more test tips follow MTP on Facebook!

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